Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and distributors of software solutions often rely on third party payment solutions in their applications. This may be an easy solution, but it’s probably far from the best.

Find out why easy integrated payment solutions for distributors and ISVs can be more beneficial for both you and your clients.

First of all: What is an integrated payment solution?

Integrated payment solutions can be described as transaction systems that are included in an existing application. In other words, the payment system is embedded or integrated directly within your software.

This means that distributors or ISVs don’t depend on a third party payment system to make transactions possible. The payments can be processed directly in the software application.

Why are integrated payment solutions for distributors and ISVs beneficial? 

There are several benefits from having integrated payment solutions. For distributors and ISVs, the benefits are especially big if we consider customer satisfaction and safety.

Let’s take a closer look at the most important reasons for having integrated payment solutions!

Seamless payments

Imagine a distributor or ISV client that needs to accept a transaction. With integrated payment solutions, your client can accept these transactions directly through his or her invoicing application or Customer Relationship Management software (CRM). 

The customers will in other words benefit from having a more streamlined and safe experience when making their payments. They don’t need to enter a third party site to pay for products or services. 

Increased security

Integrated payment solutions are also beneficial when considering payment security. If your clients are redirected to another payment site, they have to share sensitive payment data with a third party. Data breaches and fraud are huge safety threats in the world of digital payments.

As a ISV or distributor you won’t have any control over the payment data when it’s handled by another payment site. If you are offering integrated payment solutions on the other hand, you can handle this sensitive data yourself. 

Thanks to safety measures like tokensation, sensitive information your customers leave will stay secure. 

Tokens can be described as non-sensitive placeholders that don’t contain sensitive data, and this way the security level will increase. In case of a data breach, your customer’s payment data will not be at any risk, because it’s replaced by tokens.

Your software will be more attractive for customers

As a distributor or ISV, you can also experience several benefits from offering integrated payment solutions. First and foremost, your software product will be considered more valuable when clients realise it’s more user-friendly and safe.

ISVs or distributors will probably also be able to see an increase in the customer retention rate. Customers will more likely choose your solution if it’s better than your competitor’s solutions. This will again have a positive effect on your sales and revenue.

How to offer software applications with easy integrated payment solutions

ISVs or distributors of software solutions often have a full schedule, so it may seem difficult to make time for integrating payment solutions in the software. The good news is that you don’t need to do this yourself.

A provider of integrated payment systems can provide you with the solutions you need. 

Tidypay makes payments easy for ISVs, distributors and their clients

Tidypay offers fully integrated POS (Point of Sale) systems and accounting solutions, and can tailor the solution based on your specific needs. Our payment systems are user friendly, secure and possible to integrate towards many software systems.

Our easy integrated payment solutions for distributors and ISVs will make transactions simpler than ever before, for both you and your clients. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to learn more.

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